Download Cydia 1.1.9 for iOS 7 with Updated Design

Download Cydia 1.1.9 for iOS 7 with Updated Design

The Creator of Cydia - Jay Freeman (Saurik), updated Cydia app toVersion 1.1.9 for design compatibility with the new iOS 7 / iOS 7.0.4 Apple operating system.
Evasi0n 7 Jailbreak installs the old Cydia version 1.1.8, which was released about a year ago. Today you can upgrade Cydia from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 version on your Jailbroken IOS 7 Device.

Install Cydia 1.1.9 for IOS 7 - 7.0.4 Devices

To install the update, you need to run the application from your device, wait for the repositories update to finish and go to the Changes tab. You the start the update installation process by clicking the "Complete Upgrade" button.

Cydia 1.1.9 Download Update Guide

Cydia 1.1.9 Download & Installation Guide from IDB

How Saurik describes the Cydia Update:

Due to evasi0n 7 having been released with an unofficial build of “Cydia”, I had to upgrade Cydiavia a package. This is more complex, as packages I release in my repository have to work for all users, not just those on the latest firmware. I have managed to get Cydia 1.1.9 working on iOS 2-7.
Please understand that there are still some things about this build that are “not quite right” (including the dropbar, which I want to have work like the iTunes Store’s song preview bar, but right now is simply broken). I needed to get this out so I could move to Substrate, and thereby kind of hacked that together.

Cydia 1.1.9 Preview

Cydia v1.1.9 came out with very fresh Interface design that is fully compatible with iOS 7. Only the Cydiaicon remains the same, but I hope it will be redesigned very soon.
Cydia for IOS 7 Download
Cydia 1.1.9: the main screen and a tab with tweaks
Download Cydia 1.1.9 for iPhone
Cydia 1.1.9: Updated Forums and Cydia settings
Install cydia 1.1.9 iPhone
Cydia 1.1.9: Manage tab updated
Download cydia for iPad
Cydia 1.1.9 iPad Screenshot
Detailed guide on how to jailbreak iOS 7.0.4 and install Cydia. You Download Evasi0n 7 for PC or Mac.

How to Change Cydia icon for iOS 7 Style [The Easy Way]

How to Change Cydia icon for iOS 7 Style [The Easy Way]

Cydia icon for iOS 7
Earlier this week was released Cydia 1.1.9 with IOS 7 stylecompatibility. The Evasi0n 7 Jailbreak, which was released this Sunday, installs the old Cydia version 1.1.8 on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
After the iOS 7 Jailbreak release, it is recommended to upgrade yourCydia app to version 1.1.9 in order to get the iOS 7 style for your Cydiaapplication.

How to Replace Cydia icon for iOS 7 Devices

IOS 7 Cydia icon
New Redesigned Cydia icon for IOS 7 Devices
If you already updated your Cydia app to 1.1.9, you will see that the app icon remains the same. Using this guide, you can update the Cydia icon, to get the IOS 7 flat design style. To replace your old Cydia icon, please follow our step by step guide posted below:
Step 1: Jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch Using Evasi0n7 tool.
Step 2: Add this Repo source:
Download Cydia Icon IOS 7
Step 3: Tap on Search and Search for: Cydia Icon for iOS 7
Cydia Icon for iOS 7.0.4
Step 4: Tap Install and wait for installation to complete.
Install Cydia IOS 7 Icon

Cydia Icon for IOS 7 Installation Guide

Now You Can Charge Your iPhone With Ray Ban Sunglasses

Now You Can Charge Your iPhone With Ray Ban Sunglasses

Ray Ban Charger for iPhone 5 The product you’re going to see is going to leave you mesmerized. An advertising guru from India, Sayalee Kaluskar, has come up with an idea of charging a phone using solar power through sunglasses.
The idea takes into account arms of the classic Ray Ban Wayfarer, and photovoltaic cells are fitted in the battery inside with the plastic. Read on for more details about the Ray-Ban charger!
The cells are going to charge the battery while the glasses are worn in the sun, and the glasses can be taken off to reveal a lightning connector or a USB for a charge.
solar iPhone charger
Solar charger for iPhone from Ray Ban
The idea is simply brilliant and makes the sunglasses more useful in the sun (where they should be used anyways). Wearable tech is going strong as evident by the launch of Google Glass, but this innovative concept looks much more appealing. Perhaps Google should take note of this creation.

evasi0n – iata 30 dintre cele mai interesante si utile tweak-uri pe care le poti instala dupa jailbreak

  evasi0n este disponibila de aseara, face untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 6.1, tutorial gasiti deja pe si desi Cydia este aproape moarta in momentul de fata, o sa va recomand totusi multe tweak-uri pe care le puteti instala in propriile terminale. Ca sa fiu sincer am asteptat cu mult interes acest nou jailbreak, mi-au lipsit multe tweak-uri din Cydia si acum am ocazia de a le utiliza din nou, iar voua va recomand sa va personalizati iDevice-ul dupa bunul plac, deoarece jailbreak-ul a fost in principal facut pentru asta. Chiar daca unele tweak-uri nu sunt acum compatibile cu iOS 6, ele vor fi actualizate in perioada imediat urmatoare, deci aveti putina rabdare. Nu uitati sa dati un like/share/tweet acestui articol, sunt multe persoane care asteapta recomandari pentru instalarea de tweak-uri interesante.
  IntelliScreenX a fost primul tweak instalat de mine din Cydia dupa lansarea solutiei de jailbreak pentru iOS 5.0.1 anul trecut si este o platforma care va ofera posibilitatea de a accesa in LockScreen informatii de pe email, conturile de pe FaceBook/Twitter, Google Reader plus multe altele. Tweak-ul a fost actualizat si este compatibi cul iOS 6, fi cumparat pentru 10$ din Cydia, insa daca l-ati cumparat anul trecut, trebuie sa platiti inca 5$ pentru update.
  Zephyr este unul dintre tweak-urile mele favorite, deoarece el ne permite sa folosim gesturi pentru a inchide/schimba aplicatiile deschise in background. Tweak-ul poate fi achizitionat din Cydia la pretul de 3$ si isi merita fara discutie banii.
 SBSettings este un tweak gratuit prin intermediul caruia puteti administra in totalitate iDevice-ul vostru. Tweak-ul va permite sa activati/dezactivati setari ale iOS, sa vedeti informatii despre IP, memoria disponibila, spatiul disponibil, plus multe multe altele. Versiunea 6.x este compatibila cu iOS 6 si aduce multe noutati interesante.
  PowerCenter Pro este un tweak asemanator cu SBSettings insa el afiseaza informatii si setari pentru iDevice-urile noastre DOAR in Notifications Center. Tweak-ul este mai usor de folosit, nu necesita chiar atat de mult RAM si este o alternativa demna de luat in seama daca folositi SBSBettings. Din pacate PowerCenter Pro este disponibil pentru 2.5$ in Cydia.
  iFile este cel mai bun utilitar pentru administrarea fisierelor stocate in iDevice-urile noastre. Folosind iFile putem modifica, redenumi, sterge, copia, muta sau genera fisiere/foldere noi in iDevice-urile noastre insa asta nu este tot deoarece folosind acest tweak putem chiar edita fisiere sau chiar asculta muzica. iFile este disponibil cu o versiune trial in Cydia.
   Springtomize 2 este unul dintre cele mai complete tweak-uri care exista in Cydia in momentul de fata. Folosind Springtomize 2 puteti modifica aproape orice setari din iDevice direct din aplicatia Settings a iOS si eu unul il recomand pentru toti cei care vor sa isi personalizeze fara prea mult efort propriul dispozitiv. Springtomize 2 este disponibil pentru 2.99$ in Cydia.
  Winterboard este cea mai buna aplicatie pentru personalizarea look-ului iDevice-ului tau. Ea este conceputa de catre saurik, dezvoltatorul aplicatiei Cydia, si cu ajutorul ei puteti instala orice fel de teme pentru iDevice-urile voastre. Partea proasta a Winterboard este ca ingreuneaza sistemul de operare insa partea buna este ca aplicatia poate fi descarcata gratuit impreuna cu o multitudine de teme.
  Dreamboard este o platforma asemanatoare celei Winterboard insa pentru ea nu exista la fel de multe teme. Partea buna este ca teme disponibile pentru ea sunt mult mult mai interesante decat cele compatibile cu Winterboard si Dreamboard este gratuita chiar daca temele trebuie platite.
  BiteSMS este un utilitar special conceput pentru aplicatia Messages din iOS iar cu ajutorul sau putem extinde functionalitatea unei aplicatii sever limitate. BiteSMS ne permite sa raspundem la mesaje din orice aplicatie, sa compunem mesaje din orice aplicatie, sa atasam poze contactelor plus multe multe alte setari interesante. BiteSMS este disponibil  cu o perioada trial in Cydia.
Frustrated with the built-in Messages app? Want more features? Wish it was much quicker to compose or reply to messages? Then biteSMS is for you, with lots of extra features like Quick Reply, Quick Compose, Scheduled Messages, Auto-Forward, Auto-Retry, Passcode Lock, Privacy, Delivery Reports, Contact Pics, Easy Pick Smileys, Templates, Signatures and much more!Simply use biteSMS as a complete souped-up replacement to the built-in Messages application on iPhone devices.
Auxo este un tweak despre care v-am vorbit acim cateva saptamani de zile, cand v-am spus ca el schimba complet modul in care vom putea utiliza task switcher-ul pe terminalele jailbroken. De atunci si pana acum tweak-ul a fost terminat, a fost publicat in Cydia, insa ramane in continuare compatibil nu mai cu iOS 6, deci majoritatea posesorilor de iDevice-uri nu-l vor putea utiliza pe propriile terminale. Tweak-ul este disponibil pentru 2$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
  Flex este un tweak lansat saptamana trecuta in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem face propriile tweak-uri pentru iDevice-urile noastre. Flex este disponibil la pretul de 4$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
  Quasar este un tweak lansat acum cateva luni de zile in Cydia, iar prin intermediul sau putem rula simultan mai multe aplicatii in acelasi ecran al tabletei iPad. Tweak-ul reproduce functionalitatea pe care in mod normal o avem in sisteme de operare precum Windows sau OS X, iar in Cydia il gasiti la pretul de 10$.
  JailbreakCon-ul de acum cateva luni de zile a adus cateva tweak-uri interesante, unul dintre ele numindu-se Emblem, un tweak ce aduce pe iPad sistemul de notificari din OS X Mountain Lion. Stiti ca pe iPad notificarile sunt afisate in mijlocul ecranului intr-un banner mic si stiti ca in OS X Mountain Lion ele apar intr-un chenar ceva mai mare care este afisat in partea dreapta a ecranului. Ei bine Emblem implementeaza in iOS acest sistem de notificari disponibil in OS X si toate notificarile voastre vor fi afisate in partea dreapta a ecranului, intr-un chenar mai mare.
  Carnitine este un tweak prezentat de mine acum cateva saptamani, cand v-am spus ca prin el puteti seta ca iDevice-urile voastre sa activeze automat conectivitatea Wi-Fi in momentul in care deschideti anumite aplicatii. Tweak-ul a fost primit bine de catre utilizatori, asa ca a fost actualizat recent, acum permitand selectarea aplicatiilor pentru care se activeaza automat conectivitarea Wi-Fi, insa aceasta optiune este facut special pentru posesorii de terminale cu iOS 6 instalat, restul utilizatorilor ramanand deocamdata fara aceasta optiune.
  SMS Blocker este o aplicatie publicata in in urma cu cateva saptamani in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul ei putem bloca orice fel de mesaje nedorite. Aplicatia are o interfata intuitiva care ne permite sa setam contactele sau numerele de telefon pentru care dorim sa blocam toate mesajele, iar de aici incolo stiti cu totii care va fi efectul. Aplicatia ne permite sa stergem mesajele automat la blocare, sau sa tinem o istorie a acestora, iar pentru cei interesati exista o optiune care blocheaza orice fel de mesaje, indiferent de la cine provin.
  MapsOpener este un tweak lansat cu doar cateva saptamani in urma in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti folosi noua aplicatie Google Maps pentru a deschide link-uri cu locatii. In mod normal aplicatia iOS 6 Maps este utilizata pentru a face rute si a afisa locatii in baza coordonatelor, insa acest tweak modifica aceasta functionalitate din iOS. Tweak-ul este compatibil atat cu iOS 5, cat si cu iOS 6, iar tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa il instalati pentru a ii activa functionalitatea.
  Stride este un tweak lansat cu multe luni in urma in Cydia, iar el permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa isi deblocheze terminalele intr-un mod complet nou. Tweak-ul este dezvoltat pentru a permite posesorilor de terminale iPhone/iPod Touch sa inlocuiasca deja clasicul slider pentru deblocare cu gesturi personalizate. Practic utilizatorul stabileste orice fel de gest doreste pentru a debloca propriul iDevice si de indata ce il reproduce in casuta afisata de tweak in LockScreen dispozitivul va fi imediat deblocat. Partea interesanta este ca tweak-ul nu limiteaza forma gesturilor asa ca putem face orice fel de forme in lockscreen pentru a ne asigura ca dispozitivul nu poate fi deblocat de altcineva.
  CameraTweak este un tweak prezentat de mine acum cateva luni de zile cand va spuneam ca prin intermediul sau puteti imbunatati aplicatia nativa Camera din iOS prin implementarea catorva functii extrem de utile. Tweak-ul a fost primit cu multa caldura de catre utilizatori, iar dezvoltatorul sau s-a gandit sa il actualizeze rezolvand cateva probleme si implementand cateva functii noi.
  MyWi este unul dintre cele mai vechi si mai populare tweak-uri din Cydia, el permitandu-ne sa ne transformam iDevice-urile in adevarate routere prin intermediul carora putem partaja internetul mobil cu alte terminale mobile sau calculatoare. Aplicatia este extrem de complexa si extrem de utila, iar in Cydia o puteti folosi gratuit prin intermediul unei licente trial, apoi trebuie sa o cumparati.
  Deck si Deck HD sunt doua tweak-uri lansate acum cateva luni de zile in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul lor putem implementa in iOS Notifications Center-ul din OS X. Practic Notifications Center-ul este afisat in partea dreapta a ecranului, exact precum in OS X, il putem deschide cu un gest si putem controla totul de acolo mult mai usor. Deck este disponibil la pretul de 1.99$ in Cydia, iar Deck HD poate fi achizitionat cu aceeasi bani.
  Messages+ aduce un mod diferit de a administra mesajele SMS/MMS primite pe iDevice-urile noastre. Tweak-ul este integrat in aplicatia Messages a iOS si este versiunea pentru iOS 5 a vechiului Tlert deci daca ati cumparat acel tweak il aveti pe acesta gratuit. Folosind Messages+ putem raspunde mesajelor primite direct din orice aplicatie pe care o avem deschisa, putem inchide bannerul de notificare a unui mesaj primit, putem compune mesaje noi de oriunde din iOS si desigur avem la dispozitie multe multe alte optiuni. Totul functioneaza cu ajutorul Activator deci printr-un simplu gest puteti activa meniul de compunere a unui mesaj sau meniul prin care raspundeti unuia primit deja. Twea-ul este disponibil pentru 7.99$ in Cydia
  CallBar este un tweak destul de vechi lansat in Cydia acum cateva saptamani bune pentru terminale iPhone. Folosindu-l eliminam interfata care apare atunci cand avem un apel in primire pe telefoanele noastre, ecranul fiind inlocuit cu o notificare de tip banner afisata in partea de sus a ecranului. In clipul de mai sus avem o prezentare a versiunii 1.0 a tweak-ului, versiune care a fost lansata acum cateva saptamani in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia. Tweak-ul ne permite sa respingem/acceptam un apel prin acel banner, sa pornim/inchidem difuzorul si sa inchidem sonorul unui apel, totul fara a inchide orice aplicatie avem deschisa in momentul primirii apelului. CallBar este disponibil pentru 3.99$ in Cydia.
   ProTube/ProTube HD sunt doua aplicatii pentru iPhone/iPad care imbunatatesc experienta de utiliare a site-ului Puteti citi in link-urile de prezentare ale aplicatiilor ce aduce fiecare in parte iar daca doriti sa le instalati trebuie sa scoateti 1.49$ din buzunar.
   Activator este un plugin gratuit pentru platforma iOS care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa seteze gesturi personalizate pentru a intreprinde diverse actiuni ale iOS. Plugin-ul este implementat in diverse aplicatii si tweak-uri din Cydia, este gratuit si configurabil din aplicatia Settings.
  Password Pilot – Prin instalarea acestui tweak veti obliga aplicatia App Store din iOS sa tina minte parola contului vostru deci de fiecare data cand veti descarca ceva veti apasa doar OK pentru ca parola va fi automat introdusa. Aveti foarte mare grija deoarece va puteti trezi ca achizitionati din greseala aplicatii nedorite. Password Pilot este disponibil gratuit in Cydia.
  3G Unrestrictor este una dintre cele mai bune aplicatii care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa foloseasca prin intermediul unei conexiuni de internet EDGE/3G aplicatii care necesita in mod normal o conexiune Wi-Fi. Cu ajutorul acestui tweak puteti face apeluri FaceTime prin 3G sau puteti descarca aplicati mai mari de 20 MB din App Store, el putand pacali orice aplicatie pentru iOS. 3G Unrestrictor este disponibil pentru 3.99$ in Cydia.
  Multiflow este un tweak cu ajutorul caruia puteti administra intr-un mod complet diferit aplicatiile deschise in background. El poate fi cumparat pentru 4.99$ din Cydia.
  iBlackList este cel mai bun utilitar pentru blocarea apelurilor sau SMS-urilor nedorite. Tweak-ul este disponibil de cativa ani in Cydia si reprezinta cea mai buna metoda de a face acest lucru si partea buna este ca tweak-ul poate fi descarcat gratuit din Cydia.
  Cydelete este un tweak din Cydia care ne permite sa stergem orice aplicatie instalata prin platforma dezvoltata de saurik. In mod normal nu putem sterge nicio aplicatie instalata din Cydia decat cu ajutorul platformei prin care am instalat-o, insa Cydelete simplifica totul permitandu-ne sa stergem aplicatiile din Cydia la fel ca orice alta aplicatie din iOS. Cydelete este disponibil gratuit.
 FolderEnhancer este tweak-ul care va permite sa customizati “la maxim” folderele din iOS . Cu ajutorul sau puteti sa faceti foldere in foldere, puteti face foldere in dock, puteti face pana la 16 pagini de aplicatii in foldere plus multe alte lucruri interesante. FolderEnhancer este disponibil pentru 1.99$ in Cydia.
  Folder Enhancer are urmatoarele functii :
  • Open folders faster.
  • Create multiple pages of icons inside of folders.
  • Create folders inside of folders.
  • Create folders directly on the dock.
  • Supports Iconoclasm for custom layouts inside of folders.
  • Extends MultiIconMover to allow moving multiple icons into/out of folders.
  • Options include hiding the folder name and wallpaper, as well as disabling animations.

10 lucruri pe care nu le stiai despre iPhone 4

Chiar daca iPhone 4 nu mai reprezinta o noutate, gadgetul Apple continua sa inregistreze vanzari spectaculoase si sa fie preferat de o multime de utilizatori din lumea intreaga. Daca nu ai deja un iPhone 4, iata cateva dintre lucrurile pe care nu le stiai despre smartphone-ul Apple!

1. 802.11n Wi-Fi
Desi iPhone 4 include suport pentru 802.11n Wi-Fi, acesta este limitat la doar 2,4 Ghz, ceea ce s-ar putea traduce prin neputinta de a profita de AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express sau Time Capsule 5GHz 802.11n.

2. Viteza de upload marita si HSUPA
iPhone 4 ofera suport pentru HSUPA, sau High-Speed Uplink Packet Access, care mareste viteza de upload la 5,76 Mbiti/secunda, o imbunatatire simtitoare in raport cu viteza specifica iPhone, iPhone 3G si iPhone 3GS.

3. Strat oleofobic
iPhone 4 este dotat si cu un strat de sticla care ii mareste rezistenta la zgarieturi. Conform specialistilor Apple, acest strat de sticla a fost conceput special pentru a face fata potentialelor accidente, ambele fete ale gadgetului fiind dotate si cu un invelis oleofobic care ajuta la indepartarea urmelor de degete mult mai usor.

4. Video 720p
iPhone 4 ofera suport pentru clipuri de 720p H.264, o imbunatatire binevenita, chiar daca videoclipurile MPEG-4 continua sa fie de 640x480, intocmai ca la iPhone 3GS. Aceasta imbunatatire permite redarea clipurilor HD din iTunes Store pe iPhone 4, cat si a celor .AVI. Cu toate acestea, videoclipurile MPEG-4 1280x720 vor trebui transformate pentru a putea functiona pe iPhone 4.

5. Adaptor VGA
iPhone 4 este compatibil cu Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, specific iPad-ului. Din pacate, nu functioneaza decat la o rezolutie de 1024x768, mult sub capacitatea generala a smartphone-ului iPhone 4, de 1280x720.

6. Rezolutia celei de-a doua camere video
Camera frontala a iPhone 4 este VGA, cu o rezolutie de 640x480, perfecta pentru apelurile video. Aceasta poate fi accesata si din aplicatia Camera si iti permite sa iti faci singur poze fara a fi nevoit sa intorci iPhone-ul.

7. Punctele ciudate de pe iPhone 4 alb
Versiunea alba a iPhone 4 dispune de cateva "punctulete" ciudate care permit senzorilor de lumina si proximitate vizualizarea prin sticla.

8. Tastatura
Chiar daca este vorba, de fapt, o adaugire la iOS 4, nu la iPhone 4 propriu-zis, gadgetul Apple permite atasarea unei tastaturi prin Bluetooth, intocmai ca la iPad. Prin urmare, utilizatorii deranjati de tastatura de pe ecran a iPhone-ului au la dispozitie o solutie alternativa, mai comoda.

9. Apelurile video
Functia de apeluri video a iPhone 4 poate fi utilizata in doua feluri. In primul rand, iPhone 4 dispune de un buton FaceTime in meniul de apeluri, in momentul in care este disponibil Internetul wireless, acesta inlocuind vechiul buton "Hold". In al doilea rand, poti realiza un apel FaceTime fara a face un apel clasic intr-o prima faza. Intra in Contacte, alege persoana cu care iti doresti sa comunici si apasa butonul FaceTime adiacent.

10. Accesibilitatea
Nu in ultimul rand, anumite functii de Accesibilitate, inexistente anterior, si-au facut aparitia in iPhone 4. Printre acestea se numara Large Font, Touch Typing si VoiceOver.

Cydia Installed On iOS 7 - Cydia For IOS 7 Preview [Images]

Cydia Installed On iOS 7 - Cydia For IOS 7 Preview

Cydia for iOS 7 We recently reported that iOS 7 beta 1 was jailbroken, and today we discovered another story that shows that the untethered iOS 7 jailbreak is indeed being worked upon.
Also, MuscleNerd recently pointed out to those who were running the latest OS that it was ok to be on iOS 7.0.4, which means that the jailbreak is going to come sooner or later.

Cydia Successfully Installed on IOS 7

While Cydia doesn't look like anything we've seen in the past, it is quite motivating to see on Apple's major redesigned operating system in 7 years. Cjori, the iOS developer, has been working really hard to discover a loophole that gets him in, and the screenshots show Cydia running on iPhone 4 (limera1nable) running iOS 7.

Cydia Start Screen Image:

Install Cydia on iOS 7
Cydia on iOS 7 iPhone 4 - Start Screen
Cjoir has used the 0peSn0w tool for tether jailbreak, and Cydia was made from iOS 7 SDK sources. He debugged the issues faced using UNIX tools. He also says that while Cydia seems stable at this point, there are a lot of things that still need work, so he may release the jailbreak once the issues are fixed.

Cydia Home Screen Image:

Download Cydia for IOS 7
Cydia Installed on iOS 7.0.2 Device - Home Screen

Cydia on iOS 7 - Sources Screen Image:

Cydia on IOS 7 Jailbreak
Cydia for iOS 7 - Updating sources...

Cydia About Screen Image:

cydia ios 7 download
Cydia 1.1.8+ on iPhone 4 GSM iOS 7.0.2 jailbroken firmware
Please note that this is only a third party port by Cjori, and depicts an older version of Cydia rather than the original version.
So it looks like it might not come true, but we do have evad3rs working on the untethered jailbreak release as well, and they're the first ones expected to make a strong statement. Until then, hardcore jailbreak enthusiasts can also downgrade from IOS 7 to a jailbreakable version from iOS 7.

Recover Lost iPhone Contacts After IOS 7 Upgrade [Guide]

Recover Lost iPhone Contacts After IOS 7 Upgrade

Recover ios 7 contactsWe know how devastating it can be to lose contacts after updating to a new iOS version.
Other issues may include FaceTime activation problems, Bluetooth connectivity issues and freezing of Parallax.
Don’t worry, as we’re here to provide a solution for lost contacts.

Method 1: Recover iPhone Contact Using iTunes

iTunes Recover iPhone Contacts iOS 7
If you've synced the iPhone with iTunes, which most Apple users do, you can use the backup restoration process. This can be done by:
  1. Connecting the iPhone to computer with USB.
  2. Selecting iTunes on the iPhones -> Device summary after picking your device.
  3. Go to backup and select restore backup.
  4. Now choose the proper option to proceed.
This might just bring back your contacts.

Method 2: Recover iPhone Contact Using iCloud

Recover iOS 7 Contacts via iCloud
  1. First of all, choose the option of Settings.
  2. Next, select the iCloud account and use your Apple credentials to login.
  3. Now go to Contacts and toggle on the iCloud sync.
  4. If it’s on already, switch it back to off then on again.
These 3 steps might get your contacts back. The problem is that iCloud syncs your contacts from the iPhone, and sometimes the contacts get replaced without the knowledge of the user.
The two workarounds can be used to regain lost contacts after updating to iOS 7. Also, turning OFF and ON might also restore the contacts on some occasions.

Download iOS 7.1 Beta 2 IPSW for iPhone, iPod & iPad [Links]

Apple released a second beta version of the IOS 7.1 operating system that is available for developers. The IOS 7.1 Beta 2 is a new test assembly from the iOS 7.1 beta that was released one month after the update iOS 7.1 beta 1.
Download IOS 7.1 Beta 2 is available right now from the iOS Dev Center or you can download it from the links at the bottom of the article.

iOS 7.1 Beta 2 Features & Availability

iOS 7.1 beta 2 (build number 11D5115d) is available for iPhone 5/5s/5c,4S,4, iPad mini, 3/2/4/Air, and iPod touch 5G. The update fixes some bugs from previous builds and some interface changes.
Download iOS 7.1 beta 2 can be officially downloaded for registered developers involved in iPhone Developer Standard or Enterprise Program. If you are an authorized developer, you can download iOS 7.1 through the iOS Dev Center here.
download iOS 7.1 IPSW

Links to download iOS 7.1 beta 2 IPSW

Guide on how to Install IOS 7.1 Beta 2 without Apple Developer ID
Note: Before you install iOS 7.1 make sure that your phone is factory unlocked. You can check the status of your device using our IMEI Checker or you can read the latest iOS 7 Unlock article.
Where you able to install the second iOS 7.1 Beta version on your Device? If you have some troubles during the download / install process please share it with us in the comments below.

Five Major U.S. Carriers Agree Unlocking Agreement

If you've been a fan of Unlockboot, you would be aware that software unlocks are almost impossible to make the iPhone SIM-Free, because apple has blocked them with the new iOS 7 firmware.
There is good news as the 5 major carriers in the U.S.; AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and U.S. Cellular, have signed an agreement that will bind them to unlock iPhones of eligible customers.
The initiation of the policy was carried out by CTIA, and states terms and conditions for consumers such as the period of time for which they have been using the device. This agreement however can put an end to the refusals and fee charges that carriers have asked so far to unlock device for eligible customers whose contracts have ended with the carriers.
Legal iPhone Unlock sim
If this policy goes underway, the ruling is going to become effective and unlocks would start coming in after 12 months. This means that if you’re someone who has 1 year of contract left, you can one of the firsts in the lot to receive the benefits.
If you've been a fan of Unlockboot, you would be aware that software unlocks are almost impossible to make the iPhone SIM-Free, because apple has blocked them with the new iOS 7 firmware.
There is good news as the 5 major carriers in the U.S.; AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and U.S. Cellular, have signed an agreement that will bind them to unlock iPhones of eligible customers.
The initiation of the policy was carried out by CTIA, and states terms and conditions for consumers such as the period of time for which they have been using the device. This agreement however can put an end to the refusals and fee charges that carriers have asked so far to unlock device for eligible customers whose contracts have ended with the carriers.
Legal iPhone Unlock sim
If this policy goes underway, the ruling is going to become effective and unlocks would start coming in after 12 months. This means that if you’re someone who has 1 year of contract left, you can one of the firsts in the lot to receive the benefits.
  Also, as carriers have now been locking in consumers on 2 year contracts rather than 12 months, a policy like this becomes more of a necessity than an option.

And there’s no need to worry if this development doesn't take place due to some unfortunate circumstance, as Unlockboot will keep bringing you the latest factory unlock solutions for iPhone 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, 4, 3gs etc. Stay tuned for the latest updates.
Also, as carriers have now been locking in consumers on 2 year contracts rather than 12 months, a policy like this becomes more of a necessity than an option.

Factory Unlock iPhone 5 iOS 6/7 - Official iPhone 5 Unlock Service

Factory Unlock iPhone 5Dear readers, we have great news for you all. Most of you witnessed the launch of the Apple's new-generation iPhone, the iPhone 5. You can read our detailed iPhone 5 unlock & baseband review.
Already, many of you would have started searching for a solution to factory unlock iPhone 5. Well, our partner, OfficialiPhoneunlock, can do this job for you. Read on to know how to unlock your iPhone 5.
OfficialiPhoneunlock is the only reliable site on the internet that can permanently and safely unlock iPhone 5 to use it on any carrier sim card in the world. They have unlocked 80,000 iPhones in the last three months. That's quite a staggering figure. This the only verified, permanent and genuine solution to get your Apple iPhone 5 Unlocked forever.

How to Unlock iPhone 5 using Official iPhone 5 Unlock

As mentioned above, the iPhone 5 was revealed last week. We posted full details on this phone is a separate post. The iPhone 5's baseband are totally new - iPhone 5 baseband is updated to 03.04.25 & 1.00.16. The bad news is that all hardware and softwares unlocks, such as Gevey SIM, R-sim 7, X-sim and ultrasn0w, won't work on iOS 6, 6.1, 6.1.2 or iOS 6.1.3 the native iOS in iPhone 5. Hence, the only choice left for you is to go for a iPhone 5 factory unlock solution to get your iPhone 5 carrier free.
The reason is that Apple is going to block all hardware and software unlocks on this new basebands. However, we have your back. Gevery SIM users should stay away from the iOS 6 updates, if they want to keep their iPhone unlocked and jailbroken.
Unlock iPhone 5
Cheap & Lightning Fast Factory Unlock iPhone 5 Service

What to do if your iPhone 5 is Locked to AT&T, Sprint, O2, Rogers or etc.

Official Factory iPhone 5 Unlock service works for iPhone 5 up to iOS 7, 6.1.3, 6.1.2, 6.1 can only be achieved via the factory unlock solution. This can be done through OfficialiPhoneunlock. You can also check the IMEI number in case you don't know which carrier the phone is locked to. The unlocking procedure is described below below.

4 Steps to Unlock Apple iPhone 5:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Official iPhone Unlocking webpage.
  • Step 2: Send your IMEI code and wait for confirmation email.
  • Step 3: Connect your device to the computer.
  • Step 4: Open iTunes and your iPhone 5 will be unlocked.
After your iPhone 5, 4S, 4 or 3GS is officially unlocked, you can use it on any carrier sim card in the world. You can also update iOS firmwares and basebands without any worries as this solution is a permanent one. So now you know where to get the iPhone 5 unlock once you buy it.

How to jailbreak iOS 7 / 7.0.2 on iPhone 4 [Video]

How to Jailbreak IOS 7 Many owners of the iPhone and the iPad waiting for iOS 7 jailbreak. In our experience, any user of the new iOS firmware want to jailbreak and install Cydia on his device.
Yes, the iOS 7 jailbreak is here, but you need to follow our jailbreak guide. The jailbreak procedure requires an terminal application. To jailbreak your iPhone 4 you need to have certain technical skills.
Note: The iOS 7 jailbreak is tethered, you need to reconnect your phone to the pc after every restart!
iOS 7 / 7.0.2 jailbreak uses an OpenSn0w exploit, allowing open access to the iPhone 4. Due to having some errors, hackers do not plan to release this exploit to the public. However, if you follow some jailbreak forums, you can found these iOS 7 jailbreak instructions.


  • A MAC computer with OSX 10.8 operating system.
  • iPhone 4 running iOS 7 - 7.0.2.
  • Usb Cable to connect the device to your computer.

How to jailbreak iOS 7 / 7.0.2 iPhone 4:

Step 1: Download the required iOS 7 jailbreak files from this link.
Step 2: In the Finder, open the folder that contains the jailbreak files, then the folder opensn0w_build -> bin. Launch Terminal, write cd and move the bin folder on the Terminal window. Press 'Enter' to confirm the command.
Jailbreak iOS 7 iPhone 4
Step 3: Run the following command:
./opensn0w_cli -p ../bundles/iPhone3,1_7.0.2_11A501.plist
Step 4: Turn the iPhone into a DFU mode - hold the lock button for 3 seconds, without releasing the lock button, press and hold the Home button for 10 seconds, while holding the Home button, release the lock. Continue to hold the button for 30 seconds.
Step 5: Start the program ssh_rd_rev04b.jar. Connect your iPhone to computer a(in DFU mode).
IOS 7 Jailbreak guide
Step 6: Once you will see an apple logo on your iPhone, go back to the Terminal and connect to the device via SSH (alpine password).
ssh root@localhost -p 2022
Run the disk mount command:
Step 7: Open another copy of the Terminal and navigate to it in the downloaded folder ios7_jb_kits. Enter the following command:
scp-P 2022 bin / * root @ localhost :/ mnt1/bin /
scp-P 2022 SSH2_bundle.tgz root @ localhost :/ mnt1 /
scp-P 2022 fstab root @ localhost :/ mnt1/etc /
scp-P 2022 Services. plist mnt1/System/Library/Lockdown root @ localhost :/ /
After executing the commands, go to the Terminal and enter the following commands:
cd / mnt1
of xzf SSH2_bundle.tgz
After successful execution, boot the device in tethered mode (see Step 3).
Step 8: Transfer all files from the folder SSH2_bundle in the root folder.
Install Cydia IOS 7
Step 9: Connect to your iPhone via SSH with the following command ssh root@ 22 (IP address can be found in the settings of your iPhone).
After a successful connection by shh type the following command in the Terminal and wait for 5-6 minutes.
wget -q -O /tmp/ && chmod 755 /tmp/ && /tmp/
Step 10: The iPhone will reboot. Put it in tethered mode (see Step 3).
Install Cydia on iOS 7

Jailbreak iOS 7 / 7.0.2 iPhone 4 - Video guide

How to Save a Water Damaged iPhone 5s / 5c — Wet iPhone Fix

If you're one of the lucky ones to get your hands on the new iPhone 5s / 5c, but unfortunate enough to have dropped it into the water, there is a way to get it working again without visiting the Apple Store.
Water Damaged iPhone repairIt is important to note that to open the iPhone, you will need a 5-Point screwdriver that is called Pentalobe and measures 0.8mm. This wasn't easily available before, but can be purchased more easily now.
However, if it is not accessible to you, try using a scalpel or another device. You need to be very careful with this, and unscrew the two screws that are present at the end of the iPhone. When you take them out, keep them in a safe place, because you can easily unscrew them.
Wet iPhone repair
Water Damaged iPhone
Wet iPhone Repair
Remove iPhone Screws using a 5-point Pentalobe Screwdriver
Next, there is a suction cup required. The front frame has to be pulled to the display of the metal casing. Attach the suction cup very close to the Home button and hold the body while gradually pulling the screen.
Iphone Water Damage repair
iPhone Screen Removal with Suction Cup Tool
Again, you need to be careful in this regard because the camera connects to the loop and there can be a mistake easily. Hold the finger at the top of the plastic when the screen is removed to avoid breaking the loop.
Repair water damage iPhone 5s
Removing the iPhone display using a Suction Cup
Water should be first carefully removed with the cloth. BUT DON'T use a hairdryer because it can easily melt the components inside.
The better approach would be to take ordinary rice, and place the pan. Now place the smartphone in the rump but don't touch the bottom. The more rice means the more water will come out as rice can easily absorb the water.
Fix water damage iPhone 5
Water damaged iPhone Repair - Drying process
Dry water damaged iphone
Dry a water damaged iPhone
Dry wet iphone
Wet iPhone repair - Drying process using a rice
Note: Dry the iPhone in 5-10 hours. If the phone does not respond - it is better to hold it in the rice longer, about a day.